As a registered Democrat, it's quite obvious who I'm voting for. My decision is based solely on practicality and reality. If you think about it, people will always claim the obvious. He's a Black man and "inexperienced" whereas his counterpart is an old (geezer) White man who is sufficiently experienced. Let's take a closer look at the facts:
Barack Obama:Chicago Senator: Harvard Law School graduate, first black president of the Harvard Law Review, community organizer, etc. Policies are about change, hope, but most importantly increasing tax percentage for the wealthy folks and corporations. To me that sounds practical. If you're making at least 5 million a year after taxes, then several hundred thousands shouldn't feel like a pinch (fucker lol). Tax cuts for those who need it and visualizes a reality in bringing home the troops and relocating them to the actual threatening area (if you haven't done your research and you're lost, please do so now). His running mate,
Joe Biden (Delaware Senator), has quite an extensive history with international law and has been a Senator for over 30 years. He's whooping ass on the VP Debate.....just watch. Need I say more?
John McCain:(I'm going to try to do this with a straight face)
Arizona Senator: A Republican who served in Vietnam, has had 2 strokes, beat cancer, and married into a wealthy family. He left his crippled first wife for the heiress and now owns 7 homes to which he explains the "fundamentals of our economy are strong". WTF!!! I know you all have heard this from the ads and articles published but they are so full of shit! His running mate from Alaska,
Sarah Palin is such a poor excuse for a VP because 1) she doesn't even know the Bush Doctrine and sends her son out to Iraq, 2) she has governed less than 610,000 people (which is half the size of Chicago) and 3) her jokes are corny. Saying, "What's the difference between a mother and a pitbull? Lipstick" and the idiotic Republican moms at the RNC cried for joy. Someone has said "A pig in a lipstick is still a pig" and what a precise description!
So, my question is: Who are you voting for? All parties are welcome however please be respectful of others' opinions. Thanks.