Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Part 1: Close to PARADISE

My summer vacation was absolutely amazing! The main reason was for a special 50th birthday celebration and I had an awesome time! Negril, Jamaica was certainly a getaway that was much needed and it's apparent in the following pics shown. The dark pic was from a "dance off" which proved our "moves" to be somehow inadequate. I was so sure I killed it b/c I know others envy my "moves" lmao....

(In the pictures above: The Mullings Men & Me)


As peculiar as it sounds, I love it when it rains! It gives me time to do the following: SLEEP peacefully & LOVE generously (wink, wink lol). I'll leave that up to your imagination ..... In the meantime, here's a lotta LOVE your way (LOVE YOU GUYS hehe)

(In the picture above: Lauren <3 Ant)

One of my fave Seasons

I love Fall for the colorful leaves
The sway of the trees

I love Fall for the comfortable weather
Of course, until it gets a bit colder

Just a short poem I came up within a couple of seconds - it's quite obvious lol.
Here are pictures of some friends during a dinner having a lot of fun. Do y'all remember the "epic scenario"? Hhmmm LOL

(In the pictures above: Krystin, Karley, Nat, Evan, Kim, Ant, Trina & me)

Monday, September 29, 2008


It has been a wonderful morning so far. Yesterday, I watched all the games possible. I think I'm on football overload lol. The win was 26-24 and though the difference isn't ginormous...a win is a win is a WIN! lol


Friday, September 26, 2008

Early Signs of Fear???

While I understand that this "Bailout Bill" is vital to save the corporations, it shouldn't take precedence over the Presidential Debate. Is McCain unnerved about the polls? The fact is that the American people trust my man, Barack Obama, to save our economony as opposed to a man who has admitted that his weakness becomes transparent discussing the economy in further detail.

A decision will not be made today so, the only logical reason is to take the shine away from Obama's favorable lead to his indecisiveness & unpreparedness to take on a debate on one of the most important issues we face today: our economy. While they make this "significant decision", can they take a minute to think about the millions of Americans who are now homeless, without food, and unemployed? Maybe a few millions should be directed towards helping those in "actual need". I suppose that's on the bottom of our President's priority list......

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Men & Their Life Span

The average man's life span is 75 years and there is one thing that is vital to their longevity: Friendship. According to University of Maryland Professor Geoffrey Greif, "Men live shorter lives than women,and a lot of men's friendships are considered second-class or not as fulfilling as women's friendships." He's the author of "The Buddy System" and goes on to say that the lack of a fulfilling friendship begins at a young age where parents raise young boys to act like "men" therefore preventing them from being vulnerable and physically close to develop meaningful friendships.

I absolutely agree with the myth of friendships and the professor's view: "...In order to have a good friendship, you have to be highly verbally and physically expressive." He believes that "....men can have very fulfilling friendships without being highly verbal or physically expressive and without revealing highly personal information." Frankly, you don't have to share your entire life with someone to call them a friend; just keep in mind that not everyone is a friend. Realize the difference between a friend and an associate & you'll have more "meaningful" friendships.
Professor Greif points out the obvious, "People with friends live longer and healthier lives." However it is a good point to make. No one wants to be alone in this world and if they say so, they're being untrue to themselves. I find his study to be helpful but is this really new to you? Fascinating as it may be, I have been aware of this fact for some time now. I always knew friendships were necessary but learned later on in my early adult life about trust and loyalty as well as quantity vs. quality. The more friends you have doesn't necessarily guarantee "real friendships."

On that note, I highly value friendships where it's reciprocated though I keep in mind to trust and believe in myself immensely because that's a gray area for some people. To me it's very clear, I came in this world alone and will leave it the same but I will not take for granted the beautiful and exquisite souls that have visited and left their mark.

Fave Songs of the Moment

I've been listening to Ne-Yo's 'Miss Independent' and Jazmine Sullivan's 'After the Hurricane' and I LOVE THEM BOTH! I can't get either song out of my head. They're both great songwriters and singers of my generation. Do you have a favorite song of the moment?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I just had to endure listening to President Bush's presidential economic address and I have one question....What can he possibly tell us that we don't already know?

Yes, we're aware that we are in recession however he did not mention how his actions over the past 6 years (he's been in office for 8) caused this so-called "recession". Of course, that would be something I want to hear but for a politician to admit his/her wrongdoings? We don't live in that kind of world. Especially since everyone will point fingers before we actually get the truth, if we're lucky. When he began serving as commander-in-chief for a couple of years under his first term, I had no idea how we were going to be affected. Truly, I didn't even know much about politics. Hell, I couldn't even vote yet.

Under Bush, we have had the highest unemployment rate and deficit (over 400 million)?! And tonight, as he comfortably gives his bullshit "speech" at the White House - written of course by somebody who has a far greater vocabulary than he does - he tells us, the "regular folks" that we will in fact see more and more foreclosures, an even higher increase in the unemployment rate, and then I drifted off to something more meaningful - like my current read Four Blind Mice by James Patterson - because I honestly could not take anymore of it! ENOUGH!

It should have been called "Bush's Bailout Bill Plea to Congress"! Nowhere did I hear well, I am aware that working class families have to work at least 3 jobs to pay off their bills and keep their family clothed and housed so, this is my plan to help them out. I would have at least reminded myself that he is human and he makes mistakes but his plan to help out the corporations like Freddie Mac, Lehman Brothers, Sallie Mae....I mean how about the families that are now homeless??? What about people pinching their pennies on their way to the grocery store because milk is now almost $5/gallon? I was craving fruits the other day and it cost me almost $4 for some apples?! What happened to 3 for ___ deals? Even cereal is almost $4 for something decent like Honey Bunches of Oats or something. To add insult to injury, he says "I understand the frustration of responsible Americans who pay their mortgage on time........" - Does he really "understand" our "frustration"?! Yeah, right....

OBAMA NEWS: He is currently in the lead at 52% over McCain in the polls due to people's beliefs that this man - who has my vote - has a strong economic plan. It is especially much clearer when McCain is asked about the economy. He just recently agreed that we are in fact in recession - uh, thanks. Then, Sarah Palin is seeking credibility in foreign relations by meeting with Presidents of countries such as Pakistan - I guess that means she is now capable of making such decisions. Um, try again.

To Speak or KNOT to Speak?

Our ethical views are complex but life can be hilarious sometimes! For instance, I was out and about when a friendly face turned up. We exchanged greetings, but the others accompanying me made some nasty comments. They said "Man, she should iron that thing down". Ok, granted 'ol girl had a huge knot on her forehead, but you have to look past the person's physical attributes, right? Hhmm....

I couldn't shake off a laughter (of course after she walked by) ..... Was I wrong? I mean it was like Mount Everest landed on her face LOL. The right thing to do is to avoid it so, how come I found myself staring? Have you ever been in a similar situation? It's one of those times where you tell yourself to walk away, go around the corner, and laugh your ass off....but that's quite unethical.

Friday, September 19, 2008


Everyone has experienced seeing a sexual performer a.k.a strippers at least once or twice. While I respect their hustle (everyone's gotta get theirs), personally I keep my distance. My friend, Kim, gave me that first experience on her 21st birthday (correct me if i'm wrong)? Something just grossed me out with the "performance" and the crazy woman (who will remain nameless) who savored him. I literally threw up when she did the noted act. Everyone has their reason behind it: 1) gotta pay for tuition, 2) abusive childhood or relationship, or 3) unfortunate circumstances. I foresee a relationship with a stripper to be tumultous and very erratic. Obviously, that lifestyle is not for me but I wonder for those who have been in that predicament.....what their experience has been? I'm certain there are some who should just go ahead and reside at the stripper clubs or some who have at least one on speed dial (lol).

The fact is that they earn at least $1,000 a night, depending on how consistent business is.....so, my question is: Do these "sexual performers" fulfill your fantasy or fills the void at the time being? If you're in a relationship with one, what's in it for you?

NOTE: Curious minds want to know - please redirect your disrespectful comments elsewhere. Thanks!

Politics, Schmolitics

As a registered Democrat, it's quite obvious who I'm voting for. My decision is based solely on practicality and reality. If you think about it, people will always claim the obvious. He's a Black man and "inexperienced" whereas his counterpart is an old (geezer) White man who is sufficiently experienced. Let's take a closer look at the facts:

Barack Obama:

Chicago Senator: Harvard Law School graduate, first black president of the Harvard Law Review, community organizer, etc. Policies are about change, hope, but most importantly increasing tax percentage for the wealthy folks and corporations. To me that sounds practical. If you're making at least 5 million a year after taxes, then several hundred thousands shouldn't feel like a pinch (fucker lol). Tax cuts for those who need it and visualizes a reality in bringing home the troops and relocating them to the actual threatening area (if you haven't done your research and you're lost, please do so now). His running mate, Joe Biden (Delaware Senator), has quite an extensive history with international law and has been a Senator for over 30 years. He's whooping ass on the VP Debate.....just watch. Need I say more?

John McCain:

(I'm going to try to do this with a straight face)

Arizona Senator: A Republican who served in Vietnam, has had 2 strokes, beat cancer, and married into a wealthy family. He left his crippled first wife for the heiress and now owns 7 homes to which he explains the "fundamentals of our economy are strong". WTF!!! I know you all have heard this from the ads and articles published but they are so full of shit! His running mate from Alaska, Sarah Palin is such a poor excuse for a VP because 1) she doesn't even know the Bush Doctrine and sends her son out to Iraq, 2) she has governed less than 610,000 people (which is half the size of Chicago) and 3) her jokes are corny. Saying, "What's the difference between a mother and a pitbull? Lipstick" and the idiotic Republican moms at the RNC cried for joy. Someone has said "A pig in a lipstick is still a pig" and what a precise description!

So, my question is: Who are you voting for? All parties are welcome however please be respectful of others' opinions. Thanks.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Welcome: My People

On the birth of my blog today, September 19, 2008, I welcome all of you to my creative effort. As most of you know, I have always had a love affair with writing. Dating back 10 years ago, I began my very first poetry book. It has yet to be published but if and when it does, I don't think I'll include any of that material. Hopefully, you will appreciate this as much I enjoy doing it. Thanks for coming!