Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I just had to endure listening to President Bush's presidential economic address and I have one question....What can he possibly tell us that we don't already know?

Yes, we're aware that we are in recession however he did not mention how his actions over the past 6 years (he's been in office for 8) caused this so-called "recession". Of course, that would be something I want to hear but for a politician to admit his/her wrongdoings? We don't live in that kind of world. Especially since everyone will point fingers before we actually get the truth, if we're lucky. When he began serving as commander-in-chief for a couple of years under his first term, I had no idea how we were going to be affected. Truly, I didn't even know much about politics. Hell, I couldn't even vote yet.

Under Bush, we have had the highest unemployment rate and deficit (over 400 million)?! And tonight, as he comfortably gives his bullshit "speech" at the White House - written of course by somebody who has a far greater vocabulary than he does - he tells us, the "regular folks" that we will in fact see more and more foreclosures, an even higher increase in the unemployment rate, and then I drifted off to something more meaningful - like my current read Four Blind Mice by James Patterson - because I honestly could not take anymore of it! ENOUGH!

It should have been called "Bush's Bailout Bill Plea to Congress"! Nowhere did I hear well, I am aware that working class families have to work at least 3 jobs to pay off their bills and keep their family clothed and housed so, this is my plan to help them out. I would have at least reminded myself that he is human and he makes mistakes but his plan to help out the corporations like Freddie Mac, Lehman Brothers, Sallie Mae....I mean how about the families that are now homeless??? What about people pinching their pennies on their way to the grocery store because milk is now almost $5/gallon? I was craving fruits the other day and it cost me almost $4 for some apples?! What happened to 3 for ___ deals? Even cereal is almost $4 for something decent like Honey Bunches of Oats or something. To add insult to injury, he says "I understand the frustration of responsible Americans who pay their mortgage on time........" - Does he really "understand" our "frustration"?! Yeah, right....

OBAMA NEWS: He is currently in the lead at 52% over McCain in the polls due to people's beliefs that this man - who has my vote - has a strong economic plan. It is especially much clearer when McCain is asked about the economy. He just recently agreed that we are in fact in recession - uh, thanks. Then, Sarah Palin is seeking credibility in foreign relations by meeting with Presidents of countries such as Pakistan - I guess that means she is now capable of making such decisions. Um, try again.

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