Wednesday, September 24, 2008

To Speak or KNOT to Speak?

Our ethical views are complex but life can be hilarious sometimes! For instance, I was out and about when a friendly face turned up. We exchanged greetings, but the others accompanying me made some nasty comments. They said "Man, she should iron that thing down". Ok, granted 'ol girl had a huge knot on her forehead, but you have to look past the person's physical attributes, right? Hhmm....

I couldn't shake off a laughter (of course after she walked by) ..... Was I wrong? I mean it was like Mount Everest landed on her face LOL. The right thing to do is to avoid it so, how come I found myself staring? Have you ever been in a similar situation? It's one of those times where you tell yourself to walk away, go around the corner, and laugh your ass off....but that's quite unethical.

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