The GREEN Movement
Some of us are posers
These types talk about "going GREEN"
When their actions prove they're not movers
But a part of the problem
See, "going GREEN" is more than
Discussing your views and going about
Informing people of your doubts
Or information you hear via second/third party news
You must do as you say
Show people the right way
Recycle, Reduce, Reuse
Three key components of "going GREEN"
But what does it really mean?
One should be more conscious about their waste
Whether it be food, vehicle use, or responsibly
Throwing away that plastic case
Print less paper and utilize alternative ways to communicate
After all who isn't online nowadays?
Think twice about getting your Caramel Macchiato
In a Starbucks cup
Here's an incentive
Bring your own mug next time to receive a discount
Everyone is trying to save their pennies and dimes
Global Warming is not a scare tactic
You should be more aware
Of how to dispose your sh*t accordingly
It's about time world, this isn't just for you and me
I'm way ahead of you in more ways than one
I'm thinking about my children and grandchildren
Whenever that day comes
Let's do better people
The GREEN Movement is here to stay
Don't let the mistakes of yesterday
Find itself biting you in the ass one day
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