I've had wavy/curly hair since I was a young, chubby cheeked little girl. It becomes more evident when I'm in a hot & humid place.
Case in point, last year's trip to Jamaica. It was sticky hot and as you can see in the pics above, it can get unmanageable.
When I'm in a frizzy rut, I use the following products: Catwalk TIGI Curls Rock shampoo, conditioner, and amplifying cream.
Let me know what hair products you use! I may need to try some new stuff .....
OMG...Saturday night I decided that I wanted to get out of the restaurant and volunteered to deliever a take out order to one of the hotels by my job. Before I went to work I did my hair, tried something new and I must say it was cute. I walked outside in the mist with an umbrella for all of 10 minutes and when I came back inside I wanted to cry. All frizz and no curls :(
Lmao! I hate when that happens. I've been wearing my hair straight for the past few months and last week during one of the rainy days (Wednesday?), OMG!!! It went from nice and straight to wavy/straight and thick! I was pissed that I spent all that time on my hair and a little rain drop messed it all up lol
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