Who else has been up since 5:00 am this morning? Everyone knows there's nothing like the huge deals on Black Friday.
When I woke up at 4:30 this morning, I decided to go back to sleep. I don't think I could ever stand in line at 4 or 5 or 6 am and wait in the damn cold. Kudos for those who do and I know some people who do it faithfully, but it just couldn't be me.
However, I'm en route to get my shop on (some deals are good until 11:00 am). Have you shopped as of yet? Where did you go? Share the best deals you've come across.
Finally, how was everyone's THANKSGIVING? I spent it with my family yesterday and it was just lovely, but I did gain 5 lbs. (haha)
Friday, November 28, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Poetry Session
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Fun Day!
The above pictures were from September events. I went to the Zoo with my lovely nephew & his awesome parents. There was a lot of 'Oohhs & Aaahhhs' from me, but Devin was over it after seeing the monkeys. I was more excited to see the Lion and Panda than he was!
In early September, we all went to my company's picnic. It was so much fun! My first time ever in the MOON BOUNCE! So, you'll see my nephew having a ball. I, on the other hand, was out of breath. Then came Part Two and I was ready to lay down hahaha.....
Friday, November 21, 2008
Emotional vs. Logical
Thanks to my Internet-savvy sibling, I'm back up and running per usual. I'm definitely not the "computer tech" type - I'll leave that to my S.O. I can, however, whip up a good poem in less than 5 minutes or finish a book in a few hours. Care to discuss current events or fitness tips? Perhaps you need a stylist? Or a good shopping buddy? These are just a few things I'd like to mention about the 'Dynamic world of Ivy'.
It's 1:00 am and I have no idea why I'm still up. Just saw a couple episodes of Sex and The City - reruns come on TBS around 12:00 a.m.
One in particular made me realize that my views are predominantly male-based. It was called Easy Come, Easy Go where Carrie Bradshaw (main character) and her current boyfriend, Aidan run into Big and his wife. Carrie ends up cheating on Aidan with Big which inevitably leads to their break-up.
Back on topic, I believe my stance on several things in life are what you would expect from a man. Here are a few examples: 1) I don't live for confrontations, 2) I'd rather not gossip, but we all do it, 3) I'd rather play or watch basketball than do my hair, and 4) I'd prefer my J's over stilettos any day. BUT the ONE thing that I love as a woman: The ability to be multi-dimensional. While I am mostly logical, I can also be emotional. While I would rather talk about the SKINS lacking offense vs. the COWBOYS at last Sunday's game, I can explain in detail why that green cardigan would look so much better with the black skinny jeans. You catch my drift....
It's 1:00 am and I have no idea why I'm still up. Just saw a couple episodes of Sex and The City - reruns come on TBS around 12:00 a.m.
One in particular made me realize that my views are predominantly male-based. It was called Easy Come, Easy Go where Carrie Bradshaw (main character) and her current boyfriend, Aidan run into Big and his wife. Carrie ends up cheating on Aidan with Big which inevitably leads to their break-up.
Back on topic, I believe my stance on several things in life are what you would expect from a man. Here are a few examples: 1) I don't live for confrontations, 2) I'd rather not gossip, but we all do it, 3) I'd rather play or watch basketball than do my hair, and 4) I'd prefer my J's over stilettos any day. BUT the ONE thing that I love as a woman: The ability to be multi-dimensional. While I am mostly logical, I can also be emotional. While I would rather talk about the SKINS lacking offense vs. the COWBOYS at last Sunday's game, I can explain in detail why that green cardigan would look so much better with the black skinny jeans. You catch my drift....
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Current Mood: PERPLEXED
To me, life is simple. People make it complicated. You put on your thinking cap, grab something to eat, and go on about your day. Ideally, one would expand his/her mind by educating his/her self (suggestion: read at least 2 books per month). They establish their career by presenting themselves as the BEST possible candidate for the job via higher level of learning (i.e. college, graduate school, certifications, etc.). Experience, while it can sometimes be critical, will only get you so far.
I've observed that some people lack, either completely or partially, THE MOST VITAL "thing" that we all should possess: COMMON SENSE. It's been inquired before, but I'll reiterate it once again. The birth of this blog came upon my realization of the one question most people have to think about before they answer. An essential thing most people fail to acknowledge as being, well, essential. Do you have common sense? Do you have to think twice when answering this question? Have you realized that you can un-complicate most and all matters just by choosing the ideal path? That life, while it can be convoluted, is actually quite un-complicated?
My perceptive mind tells me that what you say is what you really mean. While the intention is tentative, in the end it's neither here nor there. I abhor when people say, 'You disgust me!' or 'You're stupid!' or 'I'm so over it!', then comes back to try and save face. I know better and while everyone's got multiple personalities they care not to explore, somewhere in the past or future you have felt that way towards me, so please save yourself the embarrassment and don't insult my intelligence! I understand the difference between a joke and blatantly expressing how you feel - with or without violence.
I've been in situations where a disagreement turns into a heated debate and in turn people say some things they don't mean. That's fine. But somewhere in your mind, whether preconceived or not, that thought has passed you by. Suffice it to say, thinking before you speak will save you trouble in the end. While you shouldn't suppress your feelings, you should be aware of how you will affect that person once you confront them. Next to COMMON SENSE, is EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE. Simply put, choose your words wisely. That with all things considered, it should come naturally to us all - as told to me by a very intelligent man (who has just reached his half-century mark and also the father of my significant other). One of my favorite people in this world originates from China and has had a huge impact in my life. I've learned to listen more, but I'm very likely to interrupt you with my mind working overtime. To listen more is still a feat I'd like to conquer.
Please keep in mind that my thoughts, opinions, views are simply MINE. I'm certain everyone's got their own and if not, then someone else's. My intent isn't to offend you, but to have you not dig too deep that you fall into a hole of what ifs, ands, or buts!
I've observed that some people lack, either completely or partially, THE MOST VITAL "thing" that we all should possess: COMMON SENSE. It's been inquired before, but I'll reiterate it once again. The birth of this blog came upon my realization of the one question most people have to think about before they answer. An essential thing most people fail to acknowledge as being, well, essential. Do you have common sense? Do you have to think twice when answering this question? Have you realized that you can un-complicate most and all matters just by choosing the ideal path? That life, while it can be convoluted, is actually quite un-complicated?
My perceptive mind tells me that what you say is what you really mean. While the intention is tentative, in the end it's neither here nor there. I abhor when people say, 'You disgust me!' or 'You're stupid!' or 'I'm so over it!', then comes back to try and save face. I know better and while everyone's got multiple personalities they care not to explore, somewhere in the past or future you have felt that way towards me, so please save yourself the embarrassment and don't insult my intelligence! I understand the difference between a joke and blatantly expressing how you feel - with or without violence.
I've been in situations where a disagreement turns into a heated debate and in turn people say some things they don't mean. That's fine. But somewhere in your mind, whether preconceived or not, that thought has passed you by. Suffice it to say, thinking before you speak will save you trouble in the end. While you shouldn't suppress your feelings, you should be aware of how you will affect that person once you confront them. Next to COMMON SENSE, is EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE. Simply put, choose your words wisely. That with all things considered, it should come naturally to us all - as told to me by a very intelligent man (who has just reached his half-century mark and also the father of my significant other). One of my favorite people in this world originates from China and has had a huge impact in my life. I've learned to listen more, but I'm very likely to interrupt you with my mind working overtime. To listen more is still a feat I'd like to conquer.
Please keep in mind that my thoughts, opinions, views are simply MINE. I'm certain everyone's got their own and if not, then someone else's. My intent isn't to offend you, but to have you not dig too deep that you fall into a hole of what ifs, ands, or buts!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Lack of....
There's been a lack of new posts due to my Internet connectivity. Since my last post, a lot has happened.
I've been doing some Christmas shopping for family and a few special others ever since September. For example, great sales from stores like GAP, etc. helped me execute my new plan. I figured that I'll start early this year - the past few years have been quite hectic around this time. It seems that after Halloween comes Thanksgiving and before I know it, I've got a week to finish off my list. I'm almost done; just need a few more for that special someone who will remain nameless. Have you done some Christmas shopping of your own? Or are you more like the last minute/ rush shopper?
FOOTBALL: Give me a second to vent...AAARRRGGGGHHHHH!!!! We looked so good out there in the 1st half, so what lead to our loss against the COWGIRLS??? Now we're tied up (6-4)and we need to win against the Seattle Seahawks on Sunday, November 23rd at 4:15 p.m. I know you COWGIRLS fans are smiling from cheek to cheek right now, but don't get too happy just yet.
On another note, was anyone else checking T.J. Houshmandzadeh (#84 - Cincinnati Bengals) yesterday? I mean, of course, he was playing well (149 receiving yards & a touchdown), and seemed like he was the only one who wanted to win against the Philadelphia Eagles but all I could say was 'DAMN, HE IS SO SEXY'! LOL! That is a fine man right there.....
More updates soon to come.....
I've been doing some Christmas shopping for family and a few special others ever since September. For example, great sales from stores like GAP, etc. helped me execute my new plan. I figured that I'll start early this year - the past few years have been quite hectic around this time. It seems that after Halloween comes Thanksgiving and before I know it, I've got a week to finish off my list. I'm almost done; just need a few more for that special someone who will remain nameless. Have you done some Christmas shopping of your own? Or are you more like the last minute/ rush shopper?
FOOTBALL: Give me a second to vent...AAARRRGGGGHHHHH!!!! We looked so good out there in the 1st half, so what lead to our loss against the COWGIRLS??? Now we're tied up (6-4)and we need to win against the Seattle Seahawks on Sunday, November 23rd at 4:15 p.m. I know you COWGIRLS fans are smiling from cheek to cheek right now, but don't get too happy just yet.
On another note, was anyone else checking T.J. Houshmandzadeh (#84 - Cincinnati Bengals) yesterday? I mean, of course, he was playing well (149 receiving yards & a touchdown), and seemed like he was the only one who wanted to win against the Philadelphia Eagles but all I could say was 'DAMN, HE IS SO SEXY'! LOL! That is a fine man right there.....
More updates soon to come.....
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Here's Jaiden Amari Branch, Jaylen Mercer (with his dad), and Devin Banzuelo. ALL UNIQUELY ADORABLE & PROMISING YOUNG LITTLE MEN.
I remember on November 4th when I first held Jaiden, it was like the very first time I saw Devin. I couldn't look away. I fell in love almost instantly.
I'll leave MOMMYHOOD to others for now because I AM SO NOT READY. The horror stories I've heard; I will pass for now. I suppose you never really know when and sometimes it isn't really planned, but I'll make certain to take the necessary precautions times 10....

I went to a breakfast event last Thursday for IMPACT Silver Spring who was honoring County Executive, Isaiah Legett. Basically they're an organization who advocates diversity. There was a website they asked everyone to visit however I had no clue what it was about. My natural curiosity set in and I checked it out.
I did the Obama/McCain study and it showcased various perspectives of the political mind. To be precise the studies offered allows you to "explore unconcious perceptions". I found out that I slightly favor Black people over White people - I suppose due to relevance - and that each time I saw OBAMA's picture, positive energy came about. Of course, I do not favor one race over the other, but I make no excuses for the wonderful people that I have in my life either.
NOTE: The above picture is so relevant to this post because it's a great example of diversity. When you get a chance, please visit this site: www.implicit.harvard.edu. Let me know what you discover about yourself!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Just some Random Thoughts....
I'm still in disbelief, like I don't want to wake up from a really good dream. It's like when you're daydreaming about those cute boots or that swexy dude or that hot chick (for you men out there) - you're fighting yourself not to be woke. It seems like it has been one of the biggest events in my life. Change indeed. Hope personified. High tolerance in minorities alike, almost there. MR. BARACK OBAMA IS AMERICA'S NEW PRESIDENT. MY VERY OWN PRESIDENT. I have never been SO INSPIRED, MOTIVATED, & COMMITTED to doing more in several aspects of my life.
I just finished a great couple of books within a couple of weeks. As I have mentioned in an earlier post, I've been reading The Women's Murder Club series by James Patterson. I'd like to complete the series before the month is over - I have 3 more to go! The ones I've finished reading are 1st to Die, 2nd Chance, 3rd Degree & 4th of July. Just a recap, it's about four women who work as First Woman Lieutenant of SFPD, Chief M.E., columnist at a newspaper, and lawyer in California. These four women have created and founded The Women's Murder Club where they have formed close-knit relationships with each other and solved grisly murders. I've read the noted four in the past couple of months. Now, I've got to wrap up the other three in the next 3 weeks.
My nephew, Devin, is the cutest, most adorable yet challenging little man I know. He's quick to say yes or no without fully knowing its meaning yet but he is also quick-witted. His current fascination with the show Mickey Mouse has provided him with some new dance moves. He knows one word, DOG, and then dances enthusiastically to it. Aaahh...I LOVE MY LITTLE GUY. Speaking of little guy, Jaiden Amari Branch was born November 2, 2008 weighing 8 lbs! Chanel's one proud mama!
Quite another week ahead of me. Work, class, and exam next week; 1 of 8. There's really no room for failure and I'm quite certain I'll do great. What are some things you have lined up? Anything exciting happen this weekend? Share your thoughts with me!
I just finished a great couple of books within a couple of weeks. As I have mentioned in an earlier post, I've been reading The Women's Murder Club series by James Patterson. I'd like to complete the series before the month is over - I have 3 more to go! The ones I've finished reading are 1st to Die, 2nd Chance, 3rd Degree & 4th of July. Just a recap, it's about four women who work as First Woman Lieutenant of SFPD, Chief M.E., columnist at a newspaper, and lawyer in California. These four women have created and founded The Women's Murder Club where they have formed close-knit relationships with each other and solved grisly murders. I've read the noted four in the past couple of months. Now, I've got to wrap up the other three in the next 3 weeks.
My nephew, Devin, is the cutest, most adorable yet challenging little man I know. He's quick to say yes or no without fully knowing its meaning yet but he is also quick-witted. His current fascination with the show Mickey Mouse has provided him with some new dance moves. He knows one word, DOG, and then dances enthusiastically to it. Aaahh...I LOVE MY LITTLE GUY. Speaking of little guy, Jaiden Amari Branch was born November 2, 2008 weighing 8 lbs! Chanel's one proud mama!
Quite another week ahead of me. Work, class, and exam next week; 1 of 8. There's really no room for failure and I'm quite certain I'll do great. What are some things you have lined up? Anything exciting happen this weekend? Share your thoughts with me!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
My wish came true. It seems that the American people have spoken and used their common sense as they should. Mr. John McCain's speech is rather proper regarding Obama's win. I'm just absolutely elated to share the news.....
My wish came true. It seems that the American people have spoken and used their common sense as they should. Mr. John McCain's speech is rather proper regarding Obama's win. I'm just absolutely elated to share the news.....
I CONFESS: I'M A FIRST TIME VOTER. Barack Obama and our current economic crisis, to say the least, encouraged me to allow my voice to be heard.
I took an early leave from work to vote and expected a long line. So, in anticipation of several hours of waiting, I scarfed my food in the car while on the road. I guess it depends on where you live because it took less than five minutes to get there. Of course, traffic was a different story.
HOPEFULLY, YOU ALL WENT OUT THERE AND VOTED! How long was the wait in your area?
Monday Night Football ..... DAMN STEELERS! So, we are now 6-3 because Pittsburg's defense was on point last night. 7 SACKS! WTF, I was about to pull my hair as I had some sliders & wings and a Blue Hawaiian --- multi-task people --- but I suppose it's good news for Obama supporters like me. You know how the story goes, if the Redskins win, McCain wins and if the Steelers win...you get the idea.
I was absolutely fumed at the RESDKINS loss (23-6) but I am looking forward to the next game on Nov. 16th against the COWB*TCHES! I will be voting later on this afternoon but it has become a close race now when just last week Obama was in the lead by 10 percent. Hhhmmm....some people need not to be swayed by these TV ads and empty reasons they have as to why McCain is the better choice.
I was absolutely fumed at the RESDKINS loss (23-6) but I am looking forward to the next game on Nov. 16th against the COWB*TCHES! I will be voting later on this afternoon but it has become a close race now when just last week Obama was in the lead by 10 percent. Hhhmmm....some people need not to be swayed by these TV ads and empty reasons they have as to why McCain is the better choice.
Monday, November 3, 2008
For some reason I can't fall asleep. I'm a bit fatigued however it seems that my anxiety has become unstoppable.
I'm certain you all know this scenario: As a kid, each and every year during Christmas Eve, you get butterflies and uncontrollable excitement because of all the presents you expect to open in the morning. I feel the same exact way right now - I keep tossing and turning until I see 5:30 A.M. on the clock so I can begin my day as a certified voter.
A CERTIFIED BARACK OBAMA SUPPORTER BECAUSE NOT ONLY DOES THIS MAN HAVE SUFFICIENT EXPERIENCE TO BECOME PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, his plans for this country are the ones I agree with. Socialist, they say? Muslim, they claim? These are SCARE TACTICS people because we all know he is of Kenyan and American descent so these so-called McCain supporters can now save face IF they only did their research. To re-distribute wealth means for a balanced country and why not? Aren't you OVER the fact that Health care costs so much? MILLIONS of people simply can't afford it!
I'm voting for MR. BARACK OBAMA not only because he's an advocate for CHANGE...It's EVIDENT we are in dire need of CHANGE. I believe that with his running mate, Joe Biden, they will make an exceptional & powerful force on the forefront, as LEADERS of our country.
I'll probably have 3 hours or less of sleep, but I am just restless. I'm so EAGER to be one of the first few in line...MAKING A CHANGE. ACTING ON MY BELIEFS - VOTING FOR OBAMA!
I'm certain you all know this scenario: As a kid, each and every year during Christmas Eve, you get butterflies and uncontrollable excitement because of all the presents you expect to open in the morning. I feel the same exact way right now - I keep tossing and turning until I see 5:30 A.M. on the clock so I can begin my day as a certified voter.
A CERTIFIED BARACK OBAMA SUPPORTER BECAUSE NOT ONLY DOES THIS MAN HAVE SUFFICIENT EXPERIENCE TO BECOME PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, his plans for this country are the ones I agree with. Socialist, they say? Muslim, they claim? These are SCARE TACTICS people because we all know he is of Kenyan and American descent so these so-called McCain supporters can now save face IF they only did their research. To re-distribute wealth means for a balanced country and why not? Aren't you OVER the fact that Health care costs so much? MILLIONS of people simply can't afford it!
I'm voting for MR. BARACK OBAMA not only because he's an advocate for CHANGE...It's EVIDENT we are in dire need of CHANGE. I believe that with his running mate, Joe Biden, they will make an exceptional & powerful force on the forefront, as LEADERS of our country.
I'll probably have 3 hours or less of sleep, but I am just restless. I'm so EAGER to be one of the first few in line...MAKING A CHANGE. ACTING ON MY BELIEFS - VOTING FOR OBAMA!
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