Saturday, October 25, 2008

Gas Prices

I have never been so amazed. Not since jelly sandals I bought in 7th grade. Not since Sex and the City. Not since I discovered Rita's. Not since I paid $4 for a cute top on sale at Target. Not since I found the perfect pair of jeans (and ladies you know how difficult that can be). Not since Barack Obama's win as the Democratic Party's Presidential Candidate.

On a trip to the movies last night, the sign stated $2.49 for REGULAR. AMAZED ALRIGHT. FLABBERGASTED TO BE PRECISE. The average cost of gas for the past couple of weeks has been $3.09/gallon. It has decreased every week in the past month. It seems like most of us favor public transportation over millions who choose to stay on the road. I'm aware that not everyone has the convenience of hopping onto the Metrobus or Train or MARC to get to work but for those who can, DO IT. Why not? It's a win-win either way. You can get your daily exercise and lessen your monthly cost of gas.

On the other hand, it's also good for our environment. Suffice it to say, the ozone layer is overwhelmed to the extreme, don't you think? If you live in Maryland, Arundel Mills and Laurel have some of the lowest prices in gas. Are there any gas stations you know of with low gas prices?

It's apparent that this is more than good news for those who drive daily. As TIME magazine reports, It doesn't feel like it, but we got a raise this week. The plunging price of oil, which prompted OPEC to announce a 1.5 million barrel a day production cut, has put money in the pockets of recession-worried consumers. (,8599,1853775,00.html?cnn=yes)


Miss Karley said...

Lmao...I felt the same way when I got gas for 3.49 last month!

Miss Karley said...

oh yeah..of course on a military base gas is slightly cheaper but there is a gas station on Branch Ave. right next to Iverson Mall, there gas was around 3.25 when others in the area was about 3.55, there is also another place on Brentwood Rd (I think thats the street) in NE across from the Post Office...they offer gas at a cheaper price (like a 20-30 cent difference) if you use cash. Sorry Bing, my time in MoCo is limited and I dont have the hot spots out that way =)!

Miss Karley said...

before you chop my comment up...


Ms. Bing - Bada said...

LOL - Thanks for the info and quick spell check Ms. Karley!